Trainer Team

Trainer team files follow Showdown team JSON format. Additional attributes are available. Few attributes can be set Minecraft-friendly. Manually writing trainer team files can be quite painful, please consider using /cobblemontrainerbattle export <player> command to facilitate the process.


    "name": "",
    "species": "Articuno",
    "gender": "",
    "level": 0,
    "item": "Leftovers",
    "ability": "Pressure",
    "evs": {"hp": 252, "atk": 0, "def": 0, "spa": 252, "spd": 4, "spe": 0},
    "nature": "Modest",
    "ivs": {"hp": 31, "atk": 31, "def": 31, "spa": 30, "spd": 30, "spe": 31},
    "moves": ["Ice Beam", "Hurricane", "Substitute", "Roost"]
    "name": "",
    "species": "cobblemon:ninetales",
    "form": "Alola",
    "shiny": true,
    "gender": "",
    "level": 0,
    "item": "cobblemon:life_orb",
    "ability": "Swift Swim",
    "evs": {"hp": 4, "atk": 0, "def": 0, "spa": 252, "spd": 0, "spe": 252},
    "nature": "cobblemon:jolly",
    "moves": ["flamecharge", "quickattack", "ember", "scratch"]

Relative Level

  • You need to set level_mode to relative in trainer preset file
  • Sets the trainer Pokémon level relative to player's maximum party level
  • If you set to "level": 0, then Pokémon will have same level as the player's maximum party level
  • If you set to "level": 2, then Pokémon will have two levels above the player's maximum party level
  • If you set to "level": -2, then Pokémon will have two levels below the player's maximum party level

Form Names

Few other options for form names are Hisui, Therian, Paldea-Combat and Galar-Zen. Form names for a Pokémon can be found in Cobblemon species file.

  "implemented": true,
  "name": "Arcanine",
  "nationalPokedexNumber": 59,
  "primaryType": "fire",
  "forms": [
      "name": "Hisui",
      "primaryType": "fire",
      "secondaryType": "rock"