Trainer Preset


Trainer preset is the most important part of the mod as it allows data pack authors to add custom trainers. Following is an example trainer preset file. team is the only required attribute. Others are optional.

  "team": "radicalred/leader_misty",

  "display_name": "My Trainer",
  "level_mode": "normal",
  "battle_format": "single",
  "battle_ai": "generation5",
  "battle_theme": "cobblemon:battle.pvn.default",
  "cooldown_in_seconds": 0,
  "entity_uuid": "d8f7f037-33fe-4f55-8670-67b1494b7896",
  "texture": "cobblemontrainerbattle:textures/entity/trainer/slim/red_piikapiika.png",

  "is_spawning_allowed": true,
  "is_rematch_allowed": true,

  "maximum_party_size": 6,
  "minimum_party_size": 1,

  "maximum_party_level": 100,
  "minimum_party_level": 1,

  "required_label": ["legendary", "gen3"],
  "required_pokemon": [
      "species": "cobblemon:ninetales",
      "form": "Alola"
  "required_held_item": [
  "required_ability": ["pressure", "static"],
  "required_move": ["tackle", "ember"],

  "forbidden_label": [],
  "forbidden_pokemon": [],
  "forbidden_held_item": [],
  "forbidden_ability": [],
  "forbidden_move": [],

  "on_victory_commands": [
    "give %player% minecraft:diamond"
  "on_defeat_commands": [



team must indicate a file under data/cobblemontrainerbattle/trainer_team without .json file extension. For example, if you want to use data/cobblemontrainerbattle/trainer_team/custom/custom_trainer.json, it should be set to custom/custom_trainer.

"team": "custom/custom_trainer",


  • normal
  • relative
  • flat


  • single
  • double
  • triple

For 1.9.x+1.5.2, only single is available


  • random
  • generation5
  • strong0
  • strong1
  • strong2
  • strong3
  • strong4
  • strong5


If not set, both player and trainer Poké Balls are thrown from the player. When entity UUID is assigned to the trainer, trainer Poké Balls are thrown from the trainer entity. It's for improving player experience. NPC mods like EasyNPC is highly recommended.


If set, the trainer entity spawns with specified texture. You can also use textures provided by other mods and resource packs.


  • Multiple commands are supported
  • Commands are run as server
  • %player% placeholder is available